What is a Time Card
A Time Card is a container for Employee's worked hours based on location tracking, time entries analysis, and audit results. The Employee's Time Card includes a payroll table that shows time allocation by cost type, wage type, and Work Order. It also contains the details of the Employee's allowances and shows the reason for sick and leave time.
Each Time Card holds the Time Keeping data for a single date, for a single Employee. There can only be one Time Card per Employee, per date (if you try to create another, it is prevented by an error message).
How to create a Time Card in FCX
There are several ways to create a Time Card:
1. Automatically, when an Employee clocks-in in the mobile app.
2. Automatically according to:
- The setting ""Automatically create Time Cards"" in the Employee Category.
- Additional settings in the Employees' TK Configuration card to restrict the conditions for creating Time Cards:
- “Clock In/ Check In (manual and auto) on Work Days only” checkbox — to auto-generate TCs only for working days according to the Working Time Calendar.
- “Automatically Check In on Dispatch Days” — to auto-generate TCs for each day scheduled for a dispatch, regardless of whether it is a working day or a non-working day.
3. Automatically when an Employee sends a Time Keeping request in the mobile app, for example, TAR, Time-off request and so on.
4. The system automatically creates Time Off Time Cards on days defined as holidays in the Working Time Calendar, according to the setting "Automatically create holidays" in the employee's TK configuration.
During daily TK processing, the system checks the Working Time Calendar for holidays for the next 30 days, creates Time Cards for the corresponding employees and adds a reason (PTO or Holiday). The reason to be added is specified in the system constant.
If a Time Card already exists on the day of the holiday, the system simply adds the reason hours to the TC.
5. The TK Administrator manually creates a Time Card through the Time Cards Reference.
6. The TK Administrator manually creates a Time Card through the Time Card Reasons Reference.
Access to Time Cards Reference
- All users can view the Time Cards Reference.
- Employees of the "Advanced Time Keeping Reviewers" user group can change Time Card and Time Entry reference records.
- "Time Keeping Managers" user group is granted full access to Time Cards, Time Entries, TCR Interface.
Time Card Details
General tab - Time Card
1. Time Card Basic Info
When a Time Card is created the system fills in general information: Employee, Date, Payroll State, Payroll Period and Employee Category.
Employee and Date are determined based on the rules of automatic Time Card generation listed above. Or you specify them manually.
Single Payroll State is automatically filled if there is only one state in a TC payroll allocation table. You can change it manually to assign all rows in the allocation table to one state. This way, the allocation table is locked as always when manual changes are made.
Read more about calculating states below.
To calculate Payroll Period, the Time Card date and Payroll Period Type associated with the Employee are checked and the appropriate record in the Payroll Periods Reference is searched.
Employee Category is drawn from the Employee Card. Open the category to see rules and settings for said category.
Default WO is filled if it is specified in the Employee's TK configuration.
The system uses the Default WO from the Employee TK Configuration and checks the setting "Overwrite GPS WO".
If "Overwrite GPS WO" = No → the system assigns the Default WO to all unallocated hours (search for Time Entries or TC Adjustment).
- This works when an Employee isn't prompted to manually allocate time — doesn't have the "Requires WO Allocation" role.
- Plus, a TC doesn't have Time Entries of the On Site cost type .
When "Overwrite GPS WO" = Yes → it takes the approved time from Time Entries allocated to a Site Work Order (the same name field is filled in during TK processing) and assigns it to the Default WO.
The Default WO hours are added directly to the Time Card Payroll Allocation table.
When — during TK processing and the Recalculate TC action.
You can click on any hyperlinks to open corresponding reference records. To open a reference record from the field, use the Ctrl+F4 hotkey.
2. Reason
We use the Time Card Reason to record vacation and sick hours, like Holiday, PTO and so on. In the reason we specify allowed sick/leave hours per day and the applicable Cost Type.
These hours and Cost Type are pushed to the Time Card Payroll Table along with the Reason.
The reason can be specified:
- Manually by TKA.
- Automatically according to a Time-Off request sent by the Employee.
3. Payroll Allocation Summary
The top of the Time Card features a Payroll Allocation Summary where hours are totaled per WO and Cost Type and allocated by Wage Types. Switch to Payroll Allocation Tab for more details.
4. Non-Wage Summary
This part holds the summary of the Employee's miscellaneous request. It's displayed only if there are miscellaneous requests.
5. Time Card Time Entries Summary
The middle part of the Time Card features a Cost Type Summary where hours are totaled per Cost Type.
This indicates, for instance, if a large amount of time was spent as Office/WH time.
Here you can also check the original and adjusted hours grouped by Cost Type.
DRIVE Cost Type
TEs with the “Drive” cost type represent time spent mostly moving between locations. Note that short stops less than 5 mins may be registered as part of Drive time.
ON-SITE Cost Type
TEs are marked automatically as “On-Site” only if a WO for that Site has a Published Dispatch Schedule for that Employee for that day by midnight of the date in question.
TEs are marked as an Unauthorized Stop if they are longer than 5 minutes and are at a location that is neither a Site nor an Office/Warehouse.
Note that this Cost Type can be registered for time at an “Authorized Employee Home,” “Hardware Store” or other Location Type, the name simply means it is not a Site or a WH.
Office/Warehouse time is time spent at an Office/WH Location Type Location.
6. Time Card Day Log and Mileage
The Day Log is represented as Timeline which shows on Employee day activity: which Locations Employee visited, whether he entered the scheduled sites, whether there were unauthorized stops and so on. Each time period represents a contiguous time of a single Cost Type and WO/Location, as applicable.
The log also represents the mileage the Employee has driven.
Read about the Mileage tool here.
Advanced Reviewers and TK Administrators can correct the original timeline by creating the adjusted. Use the Time Card adjustments interface to make appropriate changes. Learn more here.
Clock-In and clock-Outs events in Day Log
Clock-In and Clock-Out Events are recorded as “zero duration” TEs. These time points are usually not changed during Adjustment.
Clock-In/Out Photo Icon
Click the “Photo” icon next to a Clock-In/Clock-Out time periods to view the photo taken in the mobile App during Clock-In/Out.
Locations and Sites in Day Log
If a time period occurred at a known Location or Site, this is shown in the Location column of the Day Log.
Clicking Location links opens the Location Record card.
More on General tab
Here we display attestations for the current Employee and Time Card. Switch to this tab to see whether the Employee has confirmed attestations or not.
Audit Results
The tab contains Time Cards Audit Results: view how many the Employee's clocked hrs were adjusted by an audit.
It shows you related Time Keeping requests: TAR, time-off and miscellaneous. More about TK requests here.
Logs tab is available for user of the Administrators group. Here you can see the detailed information about FCX app in the Employee's mobile device.
The History tab contains all information about Time Card changes: changes of the TC review state and the TK request state, reassigning a TC Reviewer, the confirmation status of attestations.
Switch to the Map tab to view the Employee's day log on the map. Learn more about map functionality here.
Payroll Allocation Tab
To see more information or to make changes switch to Payroll Allocation Tab in Time Card Record. All data (Cost Types, Approved Hours, associated WOs) in the table is populated from the Time Entries (either from applied TC Adjustment or from the TEs reference itself).
The lines in the table are arranged in chronological order.

Payroll Table:
1. Numerical order
The hours are arranged in order from the beginning of the day.
2. Locked Wage Type
Set the Locked Wage Type manually to make changes in payroll allocation. Locked Wage Type takes precedence over the Wage Type, which is determined automatically. If the reason is defined in the Time Card, the Locked Wage Type will be always Regular.
3. Cost Type, PW, WO and State Summary
Approved Hours are summed over Cost Type, WO and State.
Cost Type
Cost Type is filled in order of priority.
There are now several objects where we have the PW checkbox: Scenario, Site, Build Plan, Work Order Type, Work Order, Dispatch.
When you create a Work Order (or it is generated automatically), the system checks the PW checkbox in the relevant Build Plan, Scenario, Work Order Type, Work Order Site. If the PW is filled in at least one of the objects, the PW will be filled in the Work Order.
- This checkbox is editable in the WO.
When you create a Dispatch, the PW is populated from the Work Order. Again, you can edit it.
- Hours allocated to PW Dispatch are PW.
- Hours allocated to PW WO are PW (only if there is no scheduled Non-PW dispatch).
You can change the PW checkmark in the payroll allocation manually: set hours as PW or not. Once you do this, the system will recalculate hours in the table: regular, overtime and double hrs according to the limits set in the Payroll State. Then it will mark the allocation as locked.
Payroll State is filled based on a rule: use GPS coordinates or not. The rule is handled by the system constant.
Let's have a look.
(1) For Reason (time-off, holiday, vacation, etc.) hours in the payroll allocation table assigned to a Non-Work Work Order, the system takes the Employee's Payroll State (no matter it is fixed or not).
(2) Fixed State from the Employee card is applied to all rows in the payroll allocation table.
(3 Only if using GPS States is enabled in your instance) Each row in the payroll allocation table is processed separately. One row in the allocation table = one Time Period from the TC Adjustment. Rows are set in chronological order.
The system takes a State from the Time Period in the Adjustment (State can be populated from the original Time Entry, from the allocated WO or entered manually).
(4 Only if using GPS States is enabled in your instance.) Each row in the payroll allocation table is processed separately. One row in the allocation table = one Time Entry. Rows are set in chronological order.
It extracts GPS State from a TE. GPS State is calculated based on GPS coordinates of Stop and Drive TEs.
When an employee moves between states, the drive time is split into multiple Drive Time Entries depending on the number of hours spent in each state. The minimum amount of driving within a state is 5 minutes.
(5) There is no Fixed Payroll State in the Employee card, no TC Adjustment, no GPS State for a period of time (row) in the allocation table → The system takes State from the Site Address in the Work Order set in this row.
(6) Failed to calculate a State on the previous steps, the system will take the State from the Employee card.
Read about State Overtime Laws here.
4. Wage Type Hours and OT Exclude
Hours are allocated by Wage Type. All Regular Hours over the limit of the Total Hours per day/week for the Employee or Site become Overtime Hours. If Overtime hrs are also above the limit, the system will calculate Double hours.
The limits can be determined both for PW hours and regular hours. To learn how the system calculates overtimes, visit the separate article.
The Overnight mark in the payroll allocation table is used to calculate overnight shift hours. It's configurable part. You can use a regular rule of calculating daily overtime hours or apply the overnight shifts to count overtime hours properly. Read the separate article about calculation of overtime and double hours in a Time Card.
The "OT Exclude" is calculated according to the OT rules on the Cost Type, State, or TK Configuration cards.
So there are several dimensions of OT rules:
- Cost Type — all hours under this cost type are included/excluded in OT
- State — hours related to this state exclude OT
- Employee — do not calculate OT at all for the employee
- Employee+State — for a specific employee, exclude from OT hours related to this state.
When the OT Exclude column is calculated:
- When you add a new row based on the selected Cost Type, State or the Employee of the TC.
- When you change the State, Cost Type in any row, or the Single Payroll State field.
- When the Recalculate Payroll Allocation action is performed:
- Manually, by performing the same action on the TC.
- Automatically for all non-locked TCs by the TK Processing, after adding the TC Adjustment, during the FD Update script, during the Payroll Period Closure process, etc.
Find more about the configuration of overtime/double hours for Payroll States here.
5. Lunch Settings
There are two types of Lunches:
- Manual Lunch made through Mobile App
- Auto Lunch added by Lunch Audit
Manual Lunch Time Entry is a period of nonwork time that subtracted from the total clocked hrs. Approved hours are always zero. So Manual Lunch is not added to the Payroll Allocation Table.
We show the Lunch duration that was added by Lunch Audit in the "Lunch Audit" requisite. The Applied Lunch duration is equal to the Lunch Audit value by default. If the Time Card has the applied adjustment, it is equal to the Lunch Deduction hours from the adjustment.
If necessary, you also can change the Applied Lunch duration to the required amount. The system deducts this amount from the Line in Payroll Allocation with the most hours.
It is possible to exclude Lunch Hours from certain Cost Types. In this case checkbox the "Lunch Exclude" in Cost Type should be active.
The marked "Apply Lunch" checkbox indicates that Lunch is applied to the Time Card. Uncheck the box to exclude Applied Lunch Hours from Payroll Allocation.
6. Lock Payroll Allocation checkbox
Check the box to lock the Payroll Allocation table from editing on Time Card recalculation.
After editing Payroll Allocation manually, Locked Payroll Allocation will be ticked.
The adjustment is not applied to the payroll allocation table of the locked Time Card.
7. Latest Recalculation Info
Time and date of the latest payroll table recalculation.
8. Clocked and Approved Hours
Clocked Hours represent the number of original hours from Time Entries or applied adjustment.
Approved hours are the result of subtracting Clocked hours and all audit adjustments (except lunch audit).
If the Time Card has the applied adjustment, Approved Hrs is taken from the adjustment "Approved" hrs field.
If there is no applied adjustment, then Time Card Approved Hrs are the total of approved hrs from Time Entries (except Lunch TE added by audit).
9. Wage Type Summary
Hours are summed over Wage Type.
10. Hours
Total Hours is the result of all Adjustments. Total Hrs = Approved Hrs – Applied Lunch Hrs.
11. Mileage Total
Total mileage calculated on the selected Time Card. Read more about mileage here.
Recalculate Payroll Audits
Recalculate Payroll Allocation Audits manually. Payroll Audits are intended to verify Time Cards Payroll Allocation:
- Each line in the payroll allocation table has Cost Type and Work Order.
- The system can determine Cost Rates as per Cost Rates priority.
- The system can define the Payroll Item for each combination of Wage Type+Cost Type+Employee Classifier
After you run recalculation manually, the system will delete previous Audit Results and create new ones.
Update Overtime
Update Overtime recalculates wage hrs (regular, overtime, double) only for the current TC according to evening hrs in the previous day or morning hrs in the next day.
This button:
• does not check the box Lock Allocation.
• does not update the Latest Recalculation date
• does not force update FD. You should update manually in FD card or wait for autoupdate (auto script runs about every 3 hrs).
• doesn't clear and refill the payroll allocation table. It simply calculates wage hours based on the table data: it looks at the OT Exclude column to count overtime or double hrs.
Recalculate action
Use this button to recalculate Payroll Allocation manually. Note that in this case, it clears the Lock Allocation checkbox.
The Recalculate Payroll Allocation action is also performed automatically for all non-locked TCs by the TK Processing, after adding the TC Adjustment, during the FD Update script, during the Payroll Period Closure process, etc.
Use the Payroll Allocation Table to make changes in the Time Card.
Non-Wage Table
The non-Wage table is calculated when a TK Administrator completes a Miscellaneous request. All data (payroll item, Work Order and QTY) is pulled from the TK request.
TKA can make changes in this table: add new lines, change payroll item, QTY and so on.
We do not sync the non-wage table with the payroll system. Data from this table is factored into Time Card financial distribution.
We use the same priority of cost rates and financial accounts for the lines from the non-wage table in the financial distribution. One difference is, that you can specify a particular financial account for the payroll item, and it will predominate over financial accounts from Work Order Type, Employee and so on.
Comments Tab
Actions in Time Card
View Time Cards details:
1. Refresh Summary — to refresh Time Card Summary info on the main tab.
2. Show Time Entries — to open Time Card Time Entries reference records.
3. Show Crew Time Cards — to open Crew Time Cards that are scheduled for the same WOs as the Employee of the current Time Card.
4. Scheduled WOs — to display Work Orders scheduled for the Employee to the day of Time Card.
Time Card Tools:
5. Add Check In — to create Check In Time Entry for the Time Card.
- Create Check-In for Salary Employees.
- To fill in the payroll table in the Time Card, click to recalculate.
- The system takes default values from the Employee Cost:
- hours from the "Total Hours per day" field
- Cost Type from the "Default Cost Type"
- Work Order from the "Default Work Order".
6. Open Financial Distribution — to open the related Financial Distribution record. The source is always Time Keeping for Time Card Financial Distribution. Financial Accounts (FAs) and Cost Rates are calculated based on priority. You can check for the priority on the schemes: FAs and Cost Rates.
7. Show Approvers — to show Time Card Reviewers. Click to learn more about Reviewer determination.
8. Recalculate Mileage — to calculate mileage based on certain rules.
9. Clone allocation actions — to create Time Cards for Crew Members or copy one Time Card to another. Read about Clone action here.
More Tools
Go to the More tab on the ribbon to use advanced tools in the Time Card.
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