- What kind of Time Cards are presented in the TCR Interface
- Accessible Tools in TCR Interface
- TCR Interface Sections
- Time Card Stage
- Time Card Timeline
- Timelines totals
- Important markers on the Time Card
- Time Card Actions
- TCR Resolution Bar
- Compare Time Cards
Who can access the TCR Interface
To get access to the Time Card Review (TCR) dashboard, you must belong to the following user groups:
- FSM BP Managers if you are a Reviewer.
- Time Keeping Managers if you are a Time Keeping Administrator (TKA).
An Employee's Time Card Reviewer can be either a BP Owner or a Supervisor or a Head of Department. It is calculated according to the specific rules. Learn more about Time Card's Reviewer determination.
As for the TKA, it is always any employee who is assigned to the Time Keeping Manager role.
What kind of Time Cards are presented in the TCR Interface
For a Reviewer — we show all Pending or with Active Request Time Cards for open payroll periods in recent days by default and filter them by the Reviewer. However, the Reviewer can use TC's review state filter to find acknowledge, completed, etc. Time Cards.
If a Reviewer substitute another Reviewer, he/she will also see Time Cards assigned to the other Reviewer.
For a TK Administrator — all Time Cards are accessible, regardless of review state, for open payroll periods in recent days.
Accessible Tools in TCR Interface
The TCR Interface is a workspace for Reviewers and TKAs. The interface design is identical for both Reviewers and TKAs. The only exception is available tools for viewing Time Cards. These tools depend on the membership in a user group and the existence of Employee Roles.
If you are a Reviewer, you can do the following things:
- view Time Cards details, Time Entries, TC requests
- acknowledge Time Cards
- resolve Time Cards with comments explaining why the time should be changed
- approve or reject Time Card requests such as TARs, Time-off and Miscellaneous requests.
TK Administrator:
- has full access to Time Cards
- can edit Time Card timeline: create adjusted timeline
- can view and complete TC requests
- can complete or reject Time Cards
- can clone Time Cards.
There are also several roles that give access to advanced features in the TCR Interface:
- Advanced TK Reviewers — gives full access to Time Card adjustments: create Time Card adjusted timeline.
- Time Keeping Manager (restricted) — filters the list of available Time Cards by the department. Applies to TKA only.
- Can complete Time Cards/Requests — provides the ability to change the review state of Time Cards/TK Requests to "Completed" in the TCR interface and Time Cards dashboard.
For example, assign this role to a Reviewer, if you want them to be able to complete a Time Card/ TK Request, but do not want to grant the TK Administrator access level.
These roles are set up in the Employee Card. Read more about Employees Roles here.
TCR Interface Sections
Filters Bar
Customize your TCR interface view using filters to easily search for required TCs.
1. Select all Time Cards from the list
2. Clear all selected filters.
3. Solicit a TK request. Read more here.
4. Refresh the TCR interface to see updates
5. Click to sort Time Cards from Oldest to Newest, or from Newest to Oldest.
6. Overnight Shifts Sorting. This mode shows Time Cards (even completed ones) with overnight shifts in the correct order: grouped by an employee and sorted by date. It is a handy way to review Overnight Shift Time Cards.
• The Pending State filter always shows pending TCs for the past days.
• The Incomplete Allocation State applies to TCs during the Payroll Period Closure Process. This State indicates not-completed TCs, TCs with active TARs or with an incomplete payroll allocation table.
List of Time Cards
Days, as Time Cards (with GPS data), are represented as Timelines. (Time Cards without GPS data – like those for office Employees - are shown with an empty Timeline.)
The Timeline Heading contains the date and Employee Name of the Time Card.
Use the checkboxes next to the Time Cards to batch-resolve them with the same comment and Resolution option. Use this for crews with the same movements throughout the day.
Time Card Stage
The Time Card Stage indicates Time Card lifecycle — which review stage the Time Card in. You can use a stage filter to simplify your search for required Time Cards.
Time Card Timeline
Each section of the Timeline is a Time Entry (TE). TEs are color-coded. Note that TEs are not editable. To correct the original timeline, create the adjusted timeline. Read about Time Card adjustments here.
The first Clock-In and last Clock-Out are listed under the Timeline. Times are “local” to the Employee’s location at the time of data capture. Note that overnight work can result in “out-of-order” Clock-In/Out times. Read times carefully to avoid confusion.
Unauthorized Stop TEs are times that are basically stationary anywhere other than an Office/Warehouse Type Location or Site. They are labeled “Unauthorized Stop,” but this may be a misnomer in some cases where some other locations (hotels, Employee homes) are authorized by Audit Rules.
No color TEs — the system cannot determine the Cost Type.
Unallocated Time TEs indicate that a given period of time cannot be Auto-Allocated by the system. This may mean manual allocation is required, OR that some data is incorrect and needs to be fixed.
No GPS TEs (formerly No Data) present a long data gap. No associated GPS data entries. Phone/App Compliance Issues: Emps are required to keep their phone charged and turned on and the FCX App open (in-background ok) while On-the-Clock. If the phone runs out of power, it will result in data gaps and is a serious issue.
Manually allocated Time TEs on a Timeline indicates that that period of time was allocated by an Employee manually.
Timelines totals
Summary Hours in the Time Card heading shows you a summary of the clocked, lunch, and audit hours based on the GPS timeline or the adjusted timeline.
GPS timeline — the source is Time Entries.
- The Clocked hours are the total number of hours originally recorded. These hours may not reflect the Approved hours due to auto-adjustment or manual adjustment.
- Approved hours are the cumulative total number of Approved hours of all TEs for a Time Card. This can be more or less than the original total if adjustments were made.
- Lunch hours include manual lunch hours (added through the mobile app) and hours added through the lunch audit.
Manual Lunch hours are also stored in Time entries, when audited lunch hours are retrieved from the Time Card (we store these hours in the same named Audited Lunch field).
- Audited hours — hours that have been reduced by audits.
The result of = Clocked hrs - Approved hrs - Manual Lunch hrs.
- Total = Approved hrs - Audited Lunch hrs
Adjusted timeline — the source for totals is Time Card Adjustment.
Please note that the Lunch Deduction field in the adjustment card includes only lunch hrs entered this field. Manual lunch hours are already deducted and have a duration of 0.
Important markers on the Time Card
Things that are important and may need your attention when reviewing Time Cards are presented in coloured chips on the right-hand side of the Time Card area.
Some chips are clickable, such as Active Request, Dispatch, Audits and Unconfirmed Attestation. Clicking on these will open the Time Card's list of Requests, Attestations or Show Scheduled Dispatches pop-up window.
Allocation Status
If any time on the Time Card is eligible for manual allocation, the allocation status is displayed in one of the chips on the Time Card. The status can be either "Pending Allocation" or "Allocation Done". Employees are not allowed to clock-in on any day until they have allocated all prior days in the pending stage.
The system will expect Manual Allocation if the following conditions are met:
- An Employee has the Mobile Role "Requires WO Allocation".
- There are Time Entries with approved hours more than 0 and not associated with GPS or Allocated WO in the Time Card.
- There are scheduled or available WOs.
Time Card Requests
The TCR Interface displays active requests, which means they are not completed. Even if the completed Time Card has an active request, these Time Cards will be shown for the Reviewer and TK Administrator.
Click on the Request chip to open the Time Card. It will show you the list of TC's requests.
Double-click on the request in the list to open its card. There you will find options to resolve the request: approve, reject, complete, revoke, etc.
The Reason chip indicates a reason applied to a Time Card, such as PTO, Vacation, Meal Premium.
To change/delete a Reason:
- Click on the Time Card section to open it → go to the Allocation tab.
- Locate the Reason field → click on it.
- In the window that opens, make the necessary changes: set a new reason or delete it.
- Click on Save → the TC Payroll Allocation table will be recalculated.
The PW chip indicates that there is a PW scheduled Work Order: Dispatch with PW checkbox checked.
# Dispatches
This chip tells you if there are any WOs associated with a Time Card. WOs become associated if they are scheduled for the Employee’s Resource on that date. Such WOs are called Dispatches.
If a Work Order (WO) was scheduled to an Employee on a given date, and “Allow Overnight Work” was checked on the Dispatch Schedule, that is represented here as “MM/DD/YY OVERNIGHT” and appended to the end of the WO Name. Dispatches with Overnight work allowed will show their start date together with the Time Cards next day.
Clicking on the chip will bring up the Dispatches list, where you can open a dispatch card or apply a filter by dispatch.
# Important Audit
The chip shows you the number of important audits linked to the Time Card.
What is an “Audit” in FieldclixTime Keeping?
- An Audit auto-checks the TK data to see if any rules were violated by a Time Card, like “Unauthorized Overnight,” “Late Clock-Out,” etc.
- Audit can adjust (zero out) the employee clocked hours. For example, adjustment time in an unauthorized location.
- The audit can be marked as important to be highlighted in the TC Review interface.
- When an “Audit Exception” occurs, the exception will be reported in the next day’s Audit Report.
- In some cases, a notification will be sent to the Employee and/or his or her supervisor.
- More serious Audit Exceptions trigger an Audit Review Job to be sent to the appropriate supervisor .
To open the list of audit results on the Time Card, click on the chip. This will open the Audits tab. Important audits are highlighted in red.
# Not Confirmed Attestations
This chip shows you the number of not confirmed clock-in/out attestations.
Click on the chip to navigate to the Attestations tab. Review comments sent by an employee.
Phone Configuration Problem Markers
We have separated the markers that indicate phone configuration problems into a separate group.
Correct phone settings provide accurate GPS data or better Time Cards.
We show these chips if a relevant problem occurred at least once during work shifts on the TC's date.
If these markers are present in the Time Cards, and they continue to occur, an employee may need to check the application settings and set the most appropriate ones for accurate GPS data.
We do not check the problems of phone configuration for Time Cards when: • they are created automatically, • they have Check In, • they have no Time Entries, • the employee has a role Fixed Location.
Location Permission is not "Always Allow"
This means that the Always/Allow All the Time location permission on a phone has been revoked. This level of location permission (Always/Allow All the Time) is required to obtain GPS data, even when the application is running in the background.
Location Accuracy reduced
Turned On the Location Accuracy option allows your device to more quickly and accurately estimate device location, particularly in areas where GPS may be unavailable or obscured, such as indoors or near large buildings.
This is especially important if you use your device indoors or when GPS satellites are obscured. In those situations, devices need to use additional signals to estimate their location. Apps and services with the appropriate permissions can use this location to provide you with location-based features. More about Location Accuracy on Android here.
Our advice is turn on:
- Android and iOS → "Use precise location" option
- Android → Location Accuracy in Location Services
Power Save Mode enabled
The chip shows that an employee enabled a Power Save mode on his phone.
We do not recommend using power saver mode or other third-party power saver apps while you are clocked in FCX app. The app still gets GPS, but that doesn't refresh as frequently, so it won't get a route that's as accurate as in full power mode.
Low battery
This marker indicates that the employee's phone is low on battery. In most cases, when the battery is low, the phone will go into power saving mode or turn off or limit some features (Wi-Fi, mobile data, etc.) and applications.
Time Card Actions
1. Solicit TK Request
Create a request (time adjustment, time off, miscellaneous) to ask an employee for additional information needed to complete the time card.
2. Reprocess TC
The button reprocesses GPS data, creates Time Entry, runs audits, recalculates payroll allocation, calculates mileage. It is available for everyone who has access to the TC Review interface (Administrators, TK Managers, Advanced TC Reviewer, regular TC Reviewers).
3. Link to Time Card Reference Record
To view more info on a Time Card, click the Card icon next to its name to open the Time Card Reference Record card.
The Time Card holds:
- Allocation by location.
- Cost-Type Allocation.
- Job Costing / WO Allocation.
Read more about Time Card here.
Make sure that integration with desktop is enabled.
4. Options for changing Time Card review state:
Action | Available for | There is TC Adsjutment | Result |
Confirm | Reviewer, Advanced Reviewer | No | from Pending → Acknowledged |
Change Time | Reviewer | No | from Pending → Change Time |
Confirm | Advanced Reviewer | Yes | from Pending → Adjusted |
Complete | TKA, Employees with the role "Can complete Time Cards/Requests" | — | from Pending/Acknowledged/Change Time/Adjusted → Completed |
Reject | TKA | — | from Completed/Acknowledged/Change Time/Adjusted → Pending |
Click on the action to change the review state, add comments if required.
5. Reassign Reviewer — redirect a TC to another Reviewer. Add comments if required.
Time Card History
Review status updates, reviewer changes are written to the TC history. To view the history:
- click on the speech bubble
- or go to the History tab on the Time Card.
If there are comments sent by an employee via the mobile app, the speech bubble is highlighted in red.
TCR Resolution Bar
You can resolve multiple duplicative Time Cards at once.
For example, multiple crewmen might Clock-In on the Foreman’s device.
- Same GPS data = same Audit Exceptions.
- Apply Resolution to all applicable Time Cards.
For Reviewers
After selecting Time Card(s) to resolve, enter resolution comments at the top of the interface. These comments direct the Time Keeping Administrator(TKA) to adjust the Time Card as you wish.
TCR Approvers (Reviewers) do not have access to edit TEs themselves, but must tell the TKA what change they want whereupon he/she will make said change.
- Acknowledge a Time Card
“Acknowledged” resolves Time Card review as needing NO CHANGES. This resolution tells the TKA you do not recommend changes.
IMPORTANT: If Auto-Adjustments are triggered by Audit Rules (not active in all companies), AND you want to revise auto-adjustments, DO NOT Select “Acknowledged!” Select “Change Time,” instead!
Even if no changes are needed, you must still provide comments explaining your resolution choice.
- Resolve Time Card Review as "Change Time"
“Change Time” tells the TKA you want to change TEs from their current state. Make sure your comments clearly describe the change you want the TKA to make.
- Reassign Time Card Review
“Reassign” allows you to redirect TCs to another Reviewer's view. This resolution is shown in the TC Review History.
For Advanced Reviewers
Advanced Reviewers (assigned to the "Advanced TK Reveiwer" Employee Role) can alter Time Cards themselves. To do this, create the adjusted timeline in the Time Card and make appropriate changes. Then confirm the Time Card:
- Confirm a Time Card with "Adjusted" state
The "Adjusted" review state tells the TKA should check the correction and complete the Time Card.
- Reassign Time Card Review
“Reassign” allows you to redirect TCs to another Reviewer's view. This resolution is also shown in the TC Review History.
Note that a regular Reviewer cannot change the time card adjustment.
For Time Keepings Administrators
- Resolve time Card Review as "Reject"
This resolution informs the Reviewer why TC cannot be completed and still required changes. The TC state is rolled back to Pending and shown in Reviewer's interface.
- Complete a Time Card
"Complete" to mark Time Cards as corrrect and close them from changes.
Compare Time Cards
The Review interface makes it easy to compare time cards. For example, you can compare how hours are recorded and then allocated for crews scheduled on the same dispatch.
To do this, find the Compare Time Cards option in the top bar. Click on it → select the time cards you want to compare → click on Compare n Time Cards.
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