Employee Roles

Modified on Thu, Feb 27 at 10:03 AM


Employee 'Roles' Tab

There is a separate tab ‘Roles’ in Employee Reference, where we specify a PIN to get access to the mobile app, and Employee Roles.

'Roles' Tab is accessible only to HR Employees and System Administrators.

Condition to access to the mobile app is Active Employee Status + specified PIN (not empty).

Employee Logins Reference is no longer used. Employee Login (PIN) doesn't have a validity period anymore.

In the Roles table we determine mobile and system roles: advanced access to some interface functions, roles in CLPM Interface (Close Out dashboard).

Thus, several role categories can be distinguished.

1Mobile Roles designate which modules to show to the mobile user.

Time Keeping

participates in Clock In/Out or Check In.  Employee will be included in General Payroll Report (GPR)


give access to Work Orders Module in Mobile Device

WO is not Required

allows for Check-In/Clock In/Out of Field Resource without Work Order. 


allows Employee to Check In.  If just Salary without Time Allocation will use default value of WO, Cost Type, Total Hrs determined from Employee Cost Record

Fixed Location

must designate devices that are used for ClockIn/ClockOut as Wall Device (Asset Category) in Assets reference

Asset User

allows access to Assets Module in Mobile application

Warehouse Manager

allows access to Warehouse Module in Mobile application, to add photos to Assets records and scan barcodes of Assets

Requires WO Allocation

stipulates that the Employee (Dispatch Resource) must allocate unallocated time (Time Entries) to a Work Order

Manual Lunch Allowed

allows for Clock In/Out for Lunch. Presents additional buttons in Mobile application

Lunch Adjustments Allowed
Lets you edit lunch times in the FCX app: lunch start and end times, lunch duration.

Manual Time Entry Allowed

allows Employee to record the time when he/she is working on the selected WO

Non Dispatch

affects "Required WO Allocation" Role. Adds non-scheduled but allowed WO to the list of available to allocate time WOs

Allow COD Requests

gives access to COD Purchase Request Module in Mobile app

Allow Material Requests

gives access to Material Management Module in Mobile app

Allow Clock Adjustments

allows Employee to adjust clock-out time if Employee forgot to clock-out on time

Allow Overnight
allows an employee to work overnight. Even if no overnight Work Order is scheduled. No force clock out in the mobile app after midnight.

2. Advanced Roles give access to advanced features in FCX System.

All Direct Cost BPs Financials

Opens up financial information of all Direct Cost Build Plans.

Full FinancialTo oversee all company finance: Direct Cost BPs, Project Overhead BPs, Regional Overhead BPs, Corporate Overhead BPs.

Advanced BP Managers

Who can:

•  update BP details (change requisites opened for editing, for example, Category, Due Date, Cx Status)

• change BP Number

• start BP

• send request to close BP

• edit table “Allowed Time Allocation Employee”

• edit milestones

• edit BP Tasks

Can generate BPsWho can generate Build Plans, run the GBP.
Can Open/Close BPWho can change Build Plan status: open and close BP.
Can use custom BP NameWho can set a custom BP name in GBP. The “Custom BP Name” checkbox is available on the GBP card.
Can complete Time Cards/RequestsWho can change Time Cards/TK Requests review state to "Completed" in the TCR interface and Time Cards dashboard.

Advanced Budget Managers

Who can change Budget Status. In addition, the Delete Record button is available in the Budget card.
Advanced BOM ManagersWho can edit Bill of Materials record not only at Pending life cycle stage but also at Sent to Warehouse, Kitted, Completed stages. Access to change requisites: BOM Name, BOM Type, BOM date, Due date, Warehouse, Warehouse Lead.
BOM ManagerTo get access to the BOM Dashboard and BOM tab in BP card.
This role implies that you are a BOM Manager for a BP. Which of BP you can see depends on applied filter by class.
Advanced MPR ApproverThe Role permits to approve a Material Purchase Request (MPR) directly in the MPR card. Generally, we send an MPR for approval using the appropriate option in the MPR card. It creates a task. The task performer is an Employee specified in the MPR approval process configuration. Thus, an Employee with this role, who isn't a configured Approver, can approve an MPR bypassing the task. As for the task, it will be aborted once the Employee approves the MPR.

Advanced CIM Managers

Who can edit numbers of CIM Invoices and CIM POs, change allocation table in pending CIM Invoice, edit CIM PO line in Sales Order

Advanced TK Reviewers

Have access to Time Card Adjustments. Can create the adjusted timeline in Time Card and applied it to the payroll allocation table.

Advanced TK Users

Who sees device battery level timeline and GPS points timeline of Time Cards in Time Keeping Review Interface

Advanced VIM ApproverWho can edit expense FA and PO allocation table for VIM invoices at the under approval stage
Incoming Job Notification ReceiversTo duplicate unread system notifications from Employee's FieldClix inbox to his/her email
Material Library Administrator
Who can adjust the stock balance with the Adjust QTY action in the Material card.
TK Audit Results ReceiversWho receives Time Cards audit results via email after Time Keeping Processing is completed
Time Keeping Manager (restricted)

To filter the list of available Time Cards by department in the TCR Interface.

If you add a role and do not specify restrictions by department, the TK Administrator will see all Time Cards.

Membership in Time Keeping Managers user group is mandatory for access to TK Administrator capability: full access to Time Cards, Time Entries and so on.

VIM ValidatorAs VIM Validators are included in the FSMFinancial User Group it gives them full access to VIM Interface, VIM Invoices reference, and invoice documents. VIM Validators manage the invoicing process: create VIM Invoices, validate them, send for approval, control invoices synchronization to the accounting system.
VIM Approval OverridePrivilege to override approval of VIM Invoices. The member of this role can move an invoice to the approval stage and bypass assigned first and second-level approvers.

Access to FCX system components such as references, reports, documents is handled by User Groups. It means, that Employee with the role 'All Direct Cost BPs Financials' cannot see the financial data of BPs if he/she isn't included in the corresponding User Group (FSM Build Plan Managers and FSM Financial).
Find more about FCX User Groups

3. CLPM Roles determine what type of CLPM Interface is shown to Employee, what Employee can do in the interface, and what tools are available.

CLPM Submitter

Who has access to Field User Interface, completes photo/video/doc checklist results. Can see those BPs, where Submitter is the Project Role Member or he/she has scheduled dispatches. Also, BPs must have active WOs with checklists.

CLPM Reviewer

Who reviews Work Orders Checklist Results and resolves to change status on Submitted, Rejected, Approved. They can view all Build Plans (with active WOs with checklists) from their company.

The role supports the restriction by the Organizations reference. No restriction — available all BPs, restriction applied — available BPs only for a certain Customer(s).

CLPM Customer

Customers CLPM Interface includes default tab order, and interface functionality is to control and manage Subcontractors Review Results. Can view  Build Plans for particular Customer(s) (BPs must have active WOs with checklists as well) and see only approved CLPM Results.

This role supports the restriction by the Organizations reference as well. 

Specify PIN up to 6 digits.

Role Restrictions

At this time, the restriction in roles is applicable for the roles:

  •  Time Keeping Manager (restricted). The restriction is by departments. The Time Keeping Administrator with this role will see only the Employees' Time Cards of authorized departments in TCR Interface.


  • CLPM Customer. The restriction is by customers (Organizations reference). Employees with the CLPM Customer role see BPs under specific Customer(s).


Class Filter

The filter by Class is applicable for the following roles:

  1. BOM Manager
  2. Advanced BOM Managers
  3. All Direct Cost BPs Financials
  4. Full Financial
  5. VIM Validator Role
  6. Can Open/Close BP
  7. Advanced Budget Managers

How the filter by Class works

Let's combine these roles into two groups to see how the Class filter works for them:

1. Filter Build Plans by Class. Roles that are somehow related to BPs: BOM Manager, Advanced BOM Managers, All Direct Cost BPs Financials, Full Financial, Can Open/Close BP, Advanced Budget Managers.


2. Filter VIM Invoices by Class: VIM Validator Role.

1 group

Each of the mentioned roles of the first group opens up access to different features in the FCX system. When the filter is applied, the Role functionality will be limited and only accessible for filtered by Class Build Plans. 

A role filtered by Class does not abridge another role capability, which may also be filtered by Class. 

Which BPs are available depends on the Class filter and the Employee's relationship to the Build Plan.

The Employee is related to a BP if he is:

  1. a Build Plan Owner 
  2. or a Project Owner
  3. or a member of Project Role with finance access
  4. or has a role "All Direct Cost BPs Financials" or "Full Financial".

Advanced Budget Manager

If the Class filter is applied:

  • you can see all Build Plan Budgets in the reference
  • you can change Budget Status and delete Budget only for BPs of the allowed Class.

Can Open/Close BP

If the Class filter is applied:

  • you can see all Build Plans in the reference
  • you can change open and close only BPs of the allowed Class.

BOM Manager

You see BPs in the BOM Dashboard, which are 

  • filtered by Class,
  • related to you.

For these BPs you also can view BOM tab in the BP card.

Advanced BOM Manager

Advanced BOM Managers  can edit Bill of Materials record not only at Pending life cycle stage but also at Sent to Site, Sent to Warehouse, Kitted, Completed stages. Access to change requisites: BOM Name, BOM Type, BOM date, Due date, Warehouse, Warehouse Lead.

If the Class filter is applied, then available:

  1. BPs where you have access to financial part (all related).
  2. BPs filtered by Class.

The filter applies to:

  • The list of BPs in BOM dashboard,
  • BOM tab visibility in BP card,
  • Access to edit Bill of Materials of BPs filtered by Class.

Advanced BP Managers

As Advanced BP Manager you can update BP details, change BP Numberedit milestones, edit BP Tasks in:

  1. BPs where you are a Build Plan Owner or a Project Owner.
  2. BPs filtered by Class.

The filter applies to:

  • The list BPs in the Milestones dashboard.
  • Access to edit a BP card, milestones, tasks in filtered BPs.

All Direct Cost BPs Financials

Employees of this role can view financial information for all Direct Cost BPs.

If the filter is empty — All Direct Cost Build Plans are available.

If the Class filter is applied, then available:

  1. BPs where you have access to the financial part (all related).
  2. BPs filtered by Class.

The filter applies 

  • To the list of BPs in Status, Daily, WIP, P&L dashboards.
  • Access to the financial part in the BP card.

Full Financial

Employees of this role can view financial information for all BPs (Direct Costs, Project, Regional, Corporate).

If the filter is empty — All Build Plans are available.

If the Class filter is applied, then available:

  1. BPs where you have access to the financial part. 
  2. BPs filtered by Class.

The filter applies 

  • To the list of BPs in Status, Daily, WIP, P&L dashboards.
  • Access to the financial part in the BP card.

2 group — VIM Validator

If the filter by Class is applied, it will affect only on the list of invoices displayed in the VIM interface. Employees see all VIM invoices with empty Class and applied Class, including all its Parent Classes.

Update Employee Categories Roles

You can update Employee roles through the Employee Category Card. Open Employee Category Reference, specify roles in the table and click on ‘Update All Employees’. So, roles for all Employees of the certain category will be updated. This action replaces the existing employee roles with the roles specified in the category.


Manage members of Role

With action ‘Manage members’ in Employee Roles Reference, you can easily manage participants of any Role - add a role to several Employee cards at one go.

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