Labor Dashboards

Modified on Mon, Feb 24 at 3:26 AM


Access to Dashboards

User of group FSM BP Managers can access to the Labor dashboard group.

What is Crew Lead Summary dashboard

The dashboard includes two graphics, each of them draws a dynamic change in the difference of actual and budgeted labor hours. On the first one, we display all Build Plans. The second one presents only closed BPs. The graphics shows this dynamic of variance for the last 12 months.

Summary Tab. Data source

Crew Lead are Employees of the corresponding Project Roles in Build Plans.

To calculate Monthly Average Variance, we take months that have any data for Crew Leads.

Actual hours — driven from Time Cards by months : hours from the completed payroll allocation table (all columns are filled).

Budget hours — populated from the “hours” budget item of approved budgets. Budget hours are adjusted with % Completion Estimate for a month. If the current month's Completion Percentage is 100%, the next month's budgeted hrs are not corrected with the BP progress % and are not factor into the monthly average variance.

Variance is the difference between actual and budget.

Work with the dashboard

  • Use Crew Lead filter to display data for specific Crew Leads. By default, we show top 5 Crew Lead by actual hours for the last 12 months.
  • Add Company Summary on charts. To see company summary in the table, check “Show Company Summary” and clear filter by Crew Lead, or check “Show Company Summary” and select all Crew Leads. 
  • Place the cursor to any chart element to display data labels.
  • Zoom in/out on charts.
Not Assigned — BPs that have actual and budget hrs, but don't have a Crew Lead role.

Labor Hour Details

Labor dashboard includes in-depth information about hours worked on each Build Plan: budgeted hours, actual hours broken down by on-site hours and overtime hours, how many budgeted hours are consumed, what the estimate of hours not yet completed is, and many other key figures.

Available Build Plans

The list of Build Plans you see in the Labor dashboard depends on your relationship to a Build Plan. So:

  • If you are a BP Owner, you will see all your BPs in the dashboard.
  • You are a Project Owner — access to Build Plans of your Project.
  • Admin can see all BPs.
  • Employees with finance access can see BPs:
    • where they are a member of Project Role with active checkbox “has financial access rights” 
    • Employee Role “All Direct Cost BPs Financials” gives access to all Direct Cost BPs.
    • “Full Financial” Employee Role displays all Build Plans.

The default view of the dashboard includes all accessible active Build Plans with approved budgets.

To display other available BPs (closed over the last 3 month, without budget), you should clear the checkboxes “Active Only” and “Has Budget”.

Details: How we calculate columns

Budget Hours — hours from an approved BP budget.

Actual Hours* —  hours allocated to a BP, taken from the Time Card's payroll allocation table.

On-site Hours* — hours allocated to a BP with cost type “On Site”.

% of On-Site Hrs*On-site hrs/ Actual hrs.

Overtime Hours (OT + DT)*hours allocated to a BP with wage types “Overtime” and “Double”.

% of Overtime Hrs* = Overtime Hours (OT + DT) /Actual hrs.

% of Budget Hours Consumed* — the ratio of actual hrs to budget.

% Current Completion Estimate* — from the “Progress %” field in a Build Plan card.

Delta % Completion Estimate* — delta between % Current Completion Estimate and the BP Progress % at the beginning of the period.

Beginning of the period — date set in the top Date From filter.

Current Baseline based upon % Completion Estimate* = Budgeted hrs * Delta % Completion Estimate.

Current Variance (hrs. +- from Current Baseline)* — the difference between Actual Hours and Current Baseline based upon % Completion Estimate.

Current Variance (% +- from Current Baseline)* = % of Budget Hours Consumed - Delta % Completion Estimate.

Projected Final Hours — the amount of projected final hrs adjusted by the estimated completion percentage. It is equal = Total Actual hrs * 100% / % Current Completion Estimate.

Estimated to Complete = Projected Final Hours - Total Actual hrs.

Projected Final Variance (Actual hrs +- from Plan) = Projected Final Hours - Budget Hours.

Projected Final Variance (% of Plan) = the percentage change or deviation between Projected Final Variance hrs and Budget hrs: (Projected Final Variance hrs/ Budget hrs * 100%) / 100%

* Indicators, which are calculated dynamically, according to filters by dates.

Green — negative variance, indicating that the current baseline, based on the percent complete estimate, is above the actual number of hours.

Red — positive variance, indicating that the current baseline, based on the percent complete estimate, is behind the actual hours.

Labor tab: How we calculate columns


Open Labor tab to see projected hours to complete site.

  • Budget Hours — from the BP Budget.
  • Actual Hours — from BP financial Distributions with source type "Time Keeping".
  • Field Completion Estimate hours = (Budget hrs * estimated % of BP progress) / 100%
  • Current Variance = Actual - Field Completion Estimate
  • Projected Final Job Hours = Actual hrs / Field Completion Estimate % * 100%
  • Projected Final Job Hours % = Actual hrs / Field Completion Estimate hrs *100%
  • Projected Final Variance = Projected Final Job Hours - Actual

Data on a graph

Actual Hours — hours allocated to a BP, taken from the Time Card's payroll allocation table. 

Pie chart data

Hours — hours allocated to a BP and grouped by cost type/wage type, taken from the Time Card's payroll allocation table. 

Work Orders Report

Work Orders report is a web version of Work Orders reference. You can build a report as you want: filter by necessary criterions, sort in the required order. With the dashboard you can create a new Work Order or Dispatch, check the Work Order stage, compare Work Orders by key metrics like total worked hours or last day on Site, and much more.

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