- Employees
- Payment Terms
- Classes
- Payroll Items
- Accounts
- Service Items
- Customers
- Projects
- Customer Jobs
- Sales Rep
- Invoices (CIM Invoices - Customer Invoice Management)
- Sales Tax Items
- Vendors
- Bills (VIM Invoices - Vendor Invoice Management)
- Bill of Materials (BOM) - Sales Receipts
- Time Keeping Timesheet
- Cost Rates
FieldCLIX System (FCX) is intended for use by several Our Companies, while QuickBooks (QB) account is for one Company. Generally, there is only one "Our Company" in each instance of FCX system. Therefore, in the current version of Quickbooks integration, all objects are company non-specific.
Another feature of the new version is a flow of sync. With the flow we can put objects for syncing in the order.
At first, sync independent objects: Employees, Payment Terms, Payroll Items, Classes, Accounts.
Then — dependent objects: Service Items, Customers, Customer Jobs, Invoices, Vendors, Bills, Credit Card Charge, Timesheets, Cost Rates.
For example, if we sync Service Items, then Classes and Accounts will be synced firstly.
Here is the table with objects mapping between QuickBooks and FieldCLIX System:
Quick Books Desktop / Enterprise | Direction of Sync | FCX |
Employees | ⇨ | Employees |
Terms List | ⇨ | Payment Terms |
Class List | ⇨ | Classes |
Chart of Accounts | ⇨ | GL Codes |
Customers | ⇦⇨ | Customers |
Customer Job Types | ⇨ | Projects |
Customer Jobs | ⇦⇨ | Customer Jobs |
Sales Rep List | ⇨ | Sales Rep |
Vendors | ⇦⇨ | Vendors |
Invoices | ⇦⇨ | CIM Invoices |
Bills | ⇦⇨ | VIM Invoices |
Sales Receipts | ⇦ | BOMs |
Payroll Items List | ⇨ | Payroll Items |
Items List | ⇨ | Service Items |
Payroll Summary Reports | ⇨ | Cost Rates |
Timesheet | ⇨ | Payroll TC Data |
Item List | ⇨ | Sales Tax Items |
Quick Books Online | Direction of Sync | FCX |
Employees | ⇨ | Employees |
Terms List | ⇨ | Payment Terms |
Class List | ⇨ | Classes |
Chart of Accounts | ⇨ | GL Codes |
Customers | ⇦⇨ | Customers |
Customers (Sub-Customer Type) | ⇦⇨ | Customers |
Customer Jobs | ⇦⇨ | Customer Jobs |
Vendors | ⇦⇨ | Vendors |
Invoices | ⇦⇨ | CIM Invoices |
Bills | ⇦⇨ | VIM Invoices |
Payroll Items List | ⇨ | Payroll Items |
Items List | ⇨ | Service Items |
Items List | ⇨ | Sales Tax Items |
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
When — whenever we make changes in the QB objects.
QB Employee is pushed to FCX based on Account Number. We sync all Employees: active and inactive.
Additional setting in the constant allows customizing Employee fields syncing. In the constant we specify Employee requisites, which are synced from QB and disabled from editing in FCX.
It is possible to sync additional Employee's contact info to the FCX fields: Work Email and Cell Phone. Special settings in the QB connector are responsible for this. There we define which contacts (Alt Email, Alt Phone, etc.) should be synchronized as Main Email and Main Phone.
QB overrides a Supervisor, Job Title and Department in the Employee card on the FCX side.
It creates a new Job Title and Department if no such records are found in FCX.
From QB | To FCX |
Account Number | Employee Id |
First Name | First Name |
Middle Name | Middle Name |
Last Name | Last Name |
Gender | Gender |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth |
Is Active (True/False) | Status (Active/Closed) |
Main Email | Work Email |
Main Phone | Cell Phone |
Supervisor | Supervisor |
Title | Job Title |
Department | Department |
Payroll info: Sick Hours Available Sick Hours Used
Vacation Hours Available Vacation Hours used
| Employee Payroll Info: Sick Hours Available Sick Hours Used
Employee Payroll Info: Vacation Hours Available Vacation Hours Used |
A Note on QB Employee Phone/Email Sync
Payment Terms
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
When — whenever we make changes in the QB objects.
Payment Term is pushed to FCX based on Terms field and filtered by type to find possible duplicates.
From QB | To FCX |
Terms | Terms |
Next due in | Next due in |
Day of Month | Day of Month |
Day Next Month | Day Next Month |
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
When — whenever we make changes in the QB objects.
The search is by Class Full Name. All Parent Classes are populated in the Full Name field. We sync Classes of all levels.
If during synchronization, the Parent Class for a synced Class is not found, thus the Subclass itself cannot be synced.
From QB | To FCX |
Full name | Full name |
Name | Name |
Parent | Parent Class |
Level | Level |
Class is inactive | Status |
Payroll Items
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
Data is pushed to FCX based on Payroll Item Name.
We sync all Payroll Items. If during synching there is a similar payroll item in FCX, then the status is changed to the transmitted value (closed or active). If QB conveys closed items and there is no the same payroll item in FCX, the new reference record will not be created.
From QB | To FCX |
Item Name | Name |
Is Active | Status |
Wage Type = “Salary Sick” or “Hourly Sick” | Sick = True |
Wage Type = “Salary Vacation” or “Hourly Vacation” | Vacation = True |
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
We sync GL Codes of all Account Types.
Data is pushed to FCX based on Account Number. We sync the tree of Accounts as we do for Classes.
From QB | To FCX |
Number | Account Number |
Account Name | GL Code |
Description | Description |
Subaccount of | Subaccount of |
Account is inactive | Status |
Service Items is a separate object in QB. Previously Service Items got in sync with Sync External Code (tabular part of GL Codes). External Codes were used in CIM Invoices.
Now we have Service Item Reference in FCX System. We sync Service Items from QB to FCX. To read more about Service Items see separate topic below.
Service Items
It is one-way sync from QB to FCX. Service Items depend on Classes and Accounts.
Data is pushed to FCX based on Service Item Full Name.
We sync all Service Items. If during sync there is a similar service item in FCX, then the status is changed to the transmitted value (closed or active). If QB pulls in closed items and there is not the same service item in FCX, the new reference record will not be created.
From QB | To FCX |
Name | Name |
Full Name (all Parent Names + Item Name) | Full Name |
Parent Item | Parent Item |
Is Active | Status |
Sublevel | Level |
Class | Class |
Account | Account |
Customers, Customers Jobs is one object in QB. First level is Customer, second — Customer Job. Customers Object is Organizations reference in FCX, and Customers Jobs are Customers Jobs in FCX respectively. It’s available to sync either Customers or Customers + Customer Jobs.
Customers and Vendors are one Organizations reference in FCX. Organization Type requisite is a distinguish between Customer and Vendor.
It is two-way sync:
- Customers created in QB are synced to FCX.
- Customers created in FCX are synced to QB.
Customers depend on Payment Terms.
Data is pushed to FCX based on Customer Name. First Customers get in sync, then Customers Jobs.
You should fill out Customer Abbreviation in Organization Card to make Customer record approved.
From QB to FCX
From QB | To FCX |
Customer Name | Name |
— | Category = Customer |
Customer Type | Description |
Bill to | Billing Address |
Ship to | Shipping Address |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms |
Account NO | Account Number |
Customer is inactive | Status |
From FCX to QB
From FCX | To QB |
Name | Customer Name |
Billing Address | Bill to |
Shipping Address | Ship to |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms |
Account Number | Account No |
If you use two-way sync by creating Customers in FCX, note that QB overwrites Customer requisites when you sync Customers back to FCX.
The match is Customer Job Types (QB) – Projects (FCX).
Data is pushed to FCX based on Name. We sync all records: active and closed (inactive).
The flow depends on Customer and Customer Jobs.
It is two-way sync:
- Customer Job Type created in QB are synced to FCX.
- Projects created in FCX are synced to QB.
From FCX ←→ QB | |
Name | Name |
Customer Jobs
FSM Customers Jobs is a reference in FCX, which related with Build Plans.
It is two-way sync:
- Customer Jobs created in QB are synced to FCX.
- Customer Jobs created in FCX are synced to QB.
From QB to FCX
Depend on Customer and Classes.
We sync Customer Jobs, if record status is active (checkbox “Is Inactive” is not set).
From QB | To FCX |
Job Name | Name |
Customer | Customer |
Parent | Parent job |
Level | Level |
Job type | Job Type |
Class | Class |
Ship To | Shipping Address |
From FCX to QB
Customer Job creation inside FCX is controlled by the system setting (constant “CreateCustomersJobsForBuildPlans”). We turn on (true value) this setting to automatically create a Customer Job. The system creates a Customer Job on Build Plan generation if we do not specify a Customer Job manually in the appropriate field of GBP Wizard.
In this case, Customer Job Name is equal to Build Plan Name.
We can also specify a Class in the Customer Job. If the Customer Job has the Class in the FCX we will sync the Class along with other Customer Jobs Card fields. Some versions/configurations of QuickBooks don't support adding a Class in the Customer Job, that way we turn off the system constant in the FCX which is responsible for synchronization Classes in Customer Jobs.
From FCX | To QB |
Job Name | Name |
Job Name | Description |
Customer | Customer |
Status | Job Status (In Progress) |
Class (optionally) | Class |
Custom fields (optionally) | |
Build Plan Owner from a BP related to a job | Project Manager |
Customer | Bill to |
Site Name from a BP related to a job | Site Name |
Site ID from a BP related to a job | Site No |
Employee assigned to the project role with code CL from a BP related to a job | Foreman |
Sales Rep
The match is Sales Rep List (QB) – Sale Rep (FCX). It is one-way sync: QB → FCX.
Data is pushed to FCX based on Name. We sync all records: active and closed (inactive).
The flow depends on Customer and Customer Jobs.
To QB | To FCX |
Name | Initials |
Type (only Vendor and Employee) | Type |
Is Inactive | Status |
Invoices (CIM Invoices - Customer Invoice Management)
It’s two-way sync. Source — FCX. This object depends on Customers, Classes, Customer Jobs (from/to QB), Payment Terms, Service Items.
From QB to FCX
At first, we sync all Invoices to FCX previously sent to QB and paid there.
All synchronized Invoices without transactions and received payment will be “Rejected” on FCX side.
If there are transactions, payment is received and the paid amount is equal to the invoice amount, then invoices are marked as "Paid" in FCX. The paid date is equal to the minimum transaction date.
From FCX to QB
When we sync. When Invoice Status is changed to “Submitted to Client” and Invoice Record is active.
We take Service Items from CIM Invoice Allocation Table.
One of the custom setting of QB synchronization enables to sync Customer Jobs with other Invoice details. If this setting is turned on, but there is no a Customer Job for the Invoice, then we sync a Customer instead of the Customer Job.
From FCX | To QB |
ID Reference Record | Memo |
Client | Customer |
Invoice Number | Invoice # |
Invoice Date | Date |
Site Address | Bill To |
Payment Terms | Terms |
Due Date | Due Date |
PO number (first 25 characters) | PO number |
Amount | Amount |
Description | Description |
Sales Tax Item | Sales Tax Item (If you do not sync Sales Tax Items from accounting system, we transmit Tax specified as default in sync configuration) |
Table — Items: | |
Requires Sales Tax in PO: true false | Sales Tax Code: Value = Tax Value = Non |
Has Service Items Allocation: Class Service Item — |
Class Item Quantity = 1 (always) |
No Service Items Allocation: — |
— |
Sales Tax Items
It is one-way sync from QB to FCX. Source — Item List in QB. Data is pushed to FCX based on Item Name.
We sync all Sales Tax Items. If during synching there is a similar sales tax item in FCX, then the status is changed to the transmitted value (closed or active). If QB conveys closed items and there is no the same sales tax item in FCX, the new reference record will not be created.
From QB | To FCX |
Name | Name |
Tax Rate % | Rate % |
Is inactive | Status |
It is two-way sync:
- Vendors created in QB are synced to FCX.
- Vendors created in FCX are synced to QB.
Data is pushed to FCX/QB based on Vendor Name.
We sync all Vendors whatever status.
From QB to FCX
From QB | To FCX |
Vendor Name | Name |
— | Category =Vendor |
Vendor Type | Org.Category |
Billed from | Billing Address |
Shipped from | Shipping Address |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms |
Account No | Account Number |
Vendor Is Inactive | Status |
From FCX to QB
From FCX | To QB |
Name | Vendor Name |
Billing Address | Billed from |
Shipping Address | Shipped from |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms |
Account Number | Account No |
Generally, we use one-way sync for Vendors. However, if you use two-way sync by creating Vendors in FCX, note that QB overwrites Vendor requisites when you sync Vendors back to FCX.
Bills (VIM Invoices - Vendor Invoice Management)
It’s two-way sync. Data Source is both FCX and QB. Bills depend on Vendors, Payment Terms, Accounts.
From QB to FCX
We sync all invoices in “Paid” and "Partially Paid" statuses.
If a VIM Invoice has some transactions, during synchronization FCX compares the VIM Invoice's amount due with the amount paid:
- if the amount paid is less than the amount due → sets “partially paid”
- if the amount paid is equal or more → marks the invoice as paid.
VIM Invoices without any transactions in QB (void invoices) are synced to FCX as canceled invoices.
If during synchronization there is a similar paid invoice in FCX, then we will do nothing. Otherwise, we will mark as paid the existing invoice.
Bill has one payment transaction in QB:
From QB | To FCX |
Check Credit Card Credit | Paid By |
Transaction Date | Paid Date |
Transaction Type, RefNo, Transaction Date, Transaction Amount | Paid Notes |
Total | Amount Paid |
Bill has more than one transaction in QB:
From QB | To FCX |
Pull in Last Transaction Type: Check Credit Card Credit |
Paid By |
Date of First Transaction | Paid Date |
Transaction Type, RefNo, Transaction Date, Transaction Amount |
Paid Notes |
All Transactions Total | Amount Paid |
From FCX to QB
From FCX we sync all VIM Invoices in “Approved” Stage and with Active Record State.
When we sync. Once, when Invoice Status is changed to “Approved”.
From FCX | To QB |
Invoice Number (first characters) | Ref No |
Vendor | Vendor |
Memo | Memo |
Invoice Date | Date |
Invoice Payment Terms | Terms |
Table — Expenses | |
GL Codes Allocation: Amount Note Class GL Code
| Amount Memo Class Account |
Service Item Allocation: Amount Note Class Service Item | Amount Note Class Service Item |
The type of allocation we use in the VIM invoice depends on the "Use Service Item Distribution" setting. Read more about the VIM Invoice Expense table here.
Credit Card Charge and Checks — VIM Invoices based on COD Purchases
COD Purchases can be transformed to VIM Invoice. It is managed in the Purchase Category of COD. In addition to it, we can sync these invoices to QB as Credit Card Charges or Checks. To do this, check the box "Sync as Credit Card Charges" or "Sync as Check" in the Card Type (use "Card and Account Types" Reference).
Once a VIM Invoice has been transformed from the COD and approved, it will be synced to QB and mark as paid in FCX.
Credit Card Charge/Check sync is carried out in 1 step:
- send Invoice to QB
- change Invoice Stage to “Paid” in FCX
- fill in Amount Paid = Amount Due, Paid Date = Date of sync, Paid by = Credit Card Charge or Debit Card Charge (according to the Card Type).
Credit Card Charges
From FCX | To QB |
Issuer (from Card and Accounts card) | Purchased From |
GL Codes (from COD Purchase Credit Card) | Credit Card |
VIM Invoice Memo | Memo |
Invoice Date | Date |
VIM Invoice Number | Ref No |
Table — Expenses | |
GL Code or Service Item Amount Store - Descriprion (from COD Purchase) Customer Job Class | Account / Service Item Amount Memo Customer Job Class |
From FCX | To QB |
Issuer (from Card and Accounts card) | Pay to the order of |
GL Codes (from COD Purchase Credit Card) | Bank Account |
VIM Invoice Memo | Memo |
Invoice Date | Date |
VIM Invoice Number | No. |
Table — Expenses | |
GL Code or Service Item Amount Store - Descriprion (from COD Purchase) Customer Job Class | Account / Service Item Amount Memo Customer Job Class |
Inventory Bills
Inventory Bills are Bills related to Inventory Transaction Journal. To sync Inventory Bills to QB, we turn on the QB sync configuration setting — Use Inventory Item for Bills.
Inventory Bills are synced like regular Bills: when a Bill moves to the “Approved” Stage.
Inventory Bills do not imply financial distribution. Use correct invoice category without VIM PO allocation and FD creation.
From FCX | To QB |
Invoice Number (first 20 characters) | Ref No |
Vendor | Vendor |
Memo | Memo |
Invoice Date | Date |
Invoice Payment Terms | Terms |
Table — Item Expenses | |
FCX Inventory (item name set up in sync settings) Notes Amount * 100 (it means 0.01 cent per item) Amount | Item Description QTY Amount |
Bill of Materials (BOM) - Sales Receipts
It’s one-way sync from FCX to QB.
Data source — Bill of Materials (BOM).
When — BOM is kitted.
We sync all kitted BOMs which kitted date more than the date specified in the QB sync setting. It is configurable part.
From FCX | To QB |
BOM Name | Memo |
Customer Job (from BP) | Customer Job |
Kitted Date | Transaction Date |
Table | |
FCX Inventory (item name set up in sync settings) BOM Name Total $ * 100 (from BP Material Repository: QTY * COGS) - - Sales Tax Code | Item Description QTY Rate = 0 Amount = 0 Non |
Find more about adjus inventory balance in QB.
Time Keeping Timesheet
It’s one-way sync, from FCX to QB. Data source — Time Card Payroll Allocation.
We sync all Payroll Checks at one go.
Before pushing data, the FCX system cleans up all payroll check details, pulled in during previous sync or changed manually in QB.
If errors occur during synchronization, we do not roll back the changes and do not mark the payroll check as synchronized. Payroll Check is marked as synchronized, if there are no errors and all payroll check data was successfully pulled into QB.
One session is enough to complete synchronization.
We sync the following Payroll Checks:
- With mark “Ready to Sync to Payroll”
Upon successful sync the FCX system changes requisite “Ready to Sync to Payroll ” to “No” and “Synced to Payroll” to “Yes” properly.
We sync all payroll check details, that is data values from payroll allocation in Time Cards those Employees, whose already synced.
Customer Job and Service Item synchronization to QB Timesheets is controlled by QB connector settings. It is configurable.
From FCX | To QB |
Date | Date |
Employee | Employee |
Table | |
Payroll Allocation: WO -> BP -> Customer Job |
Customer Job |
Class (configurable, can be turn on/off) | Class |
Payroll Allocation: Payroll Item (selected by combination of Wage Type + Cost Type + Employee Classifier) |
Payroll Item |
Payroll Allocation Work Order -> Work Order Type Service Item | Service Item |
— | Billable Status = Billable, if Customer Job and Service Item are specified Otherwise “Not Billable” |
Payroll Allocation Total Hours* | Duration |
*We group data by all Payroll Allocation Items to calculate Total Hours.
Cost Rates
It’s one-way sync from QB to FCX.
Data source — QuickBooks Payroll Summary Report.
When — Payroll Check is paid in QB.
If Employee Category requires sync Cost Rates from QB (corresponding checkbox in Employee Category Card is active) we search for paychecks in QuickBooks on the check date of the FCX payroll check, then sync appropriate Cost Rates from QB Payroll Summary Report.
From QB | To FCX |
Payroll Item | Payroll Item |
Employee | Employee |
Hours | Hours |
Rate | Rate |
Amount | Amount |
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